Keep an “EYE” on your New Year resolutions

Keep an “EYE” on your New Year resolutions

Did you see the amazing sunset last evening? Did you watch your toddler take his tentative first steps? Yes, everyday our eyes capture countless breathtaking moments. Never, ever take your eyes for granted.

You should kill this habit or it will kill your eye sight!

You should kill this habit or it will kill your eye sight!

Your eyes and brain work together to turn light into images. So anything that blocks light from passing through the cornea, lens, and vitreous humor can cause loss of vision i.e. blindness.

For the love of sports, undergo Laser Vision Correction with ReLEx SMILE/iLasik for a Perfect Vision!

For the love of sports, undergo Laser Vision Correction with ReLEx SMILE/iLasik for a Perfect Vision!

Many professional sportspeople often need excellent natural abilities and excellent vision combined with persistent recurrence of the key movements ultimately producing almost superhuman levels of performance.

Is Laser Eye Surgery attracting young & working professionals?

Is Laser Eye Surgery attracting young & working professionals?

Many young professionals are increasingly opting to laser eye surgery for vision correction as the treatment gives, Active and Exploratory lifestyle Improves Personality and Confidence Major cost and time savings

Retinal Detachment

Retinal Detachment

The retina is a thin layer of light sensitive tissue on the back wall of our eye. When we look at an image, the retina translates that into neural impulses and sends them to the brain through the optic nerve.

LASIK Surgery

LASIK Surgery

LASIK (Laser-assisted In Situ Keratomileusis), is among the most commonly performed laser eye surgeries or corrective eye surgeries today, to treat myopia (near sightedness), hyperopia (far sightedness) and astigmatism.

Perfect Vision by Laser Lens Correction

Perfect Vision by Laser Lens Correction

People are constantly accessing information through various digital devices such as mobile phones, computers or television. There is a lot stress that is caused on the eyes which impacts by developing vision related ailments and conditions such as short sightedness, farsightedness and blurred vision.

LASER Vision Correction through ReLEx SMILE

LASER Vision Correction through ReLEx SMILE

ReLEx SMILE is a result of the advancements in science and technology, to provide health seekers an incredible option to correct and better their vision.

Why do you need a cornea transplant?

Why do you need a cornea transplant?

When a person's cornea gets damaged from infection; disease or an injury, it becomes less transparent and its shape changes too. The scars from an injury can hamper your vision by blocking light as it enters your eye. This will then cause the image transmitted to the brain to be unclear. To repair this, your doctor will advise a cornea transplant.

Contact Lens

Contact Lens

Contact lenses or CLs have evolved since into very thin lenses that are placed directly on the surface of the human eye. Worn primarily to correct vision; contacts are additionally used by health seekers for cosmetic or therapeutic reasons as well. People who want to avoid wearing glasses, to better their looks, wear contacts.

Glaucoma- The facts you should not ignore

Glaucoma- The facts you should not ignore

Glaucoma has turned into a feared menace of sorts looming over the lives of some who have reached an advanced age. Like a thief, it sneaks up on your precious asset – your eyesight, and disappears into the dark.



A clouding of the lens in your eye that affects vision is called a cataract. The lens also adjusts the eye’s focus, letting us see things clearly. In the case of a normal eye, light passes through the transparent lens to our retina; once it reaches the retina, light changes into nerve signals which are then sent to our brain.

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic eye disease is the term used to define a group of eye conditions that can affect people with diabetes. Diabetes can affect various parts of the eye from the lids to the retina.

Computer Eye Syndrome

Computer Eye Syndrome

Staring at back lit screens like LED and LCD's for extended periods of time daily can cause a screen-induced discomfort called Computer eye syndrome.

Glaucoma - Cause of Irreversible Blindness

Glaucoma - Cause of Irreversible Blindness

It looks like Glaucoma is an unwelcome "sword of Damocles" hanging with perpetual menace over the heads of those who reach an advanced age.

This clinic is part of S10 Health Network
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