Contact Dermatitis

Contact Dermatitis

We have all had some kind of skin trouble: a rash, an allergy, a breakout. It happens when our skin comes in contact with anything new – a soap or cream, a new substance;and then the skin turns red and irritated. This condition that occurs when foreign substances touch your skin causing it to itch is called contact dermatitis.The known reactions of contact dermatitis are not too severe, but they are bothersome until the itching reduces.The 2 prime types of contact dermatitis are allergic contact dermatitis and irritant contact dermatitis.

Psoriasis: What you should know

Psoriasis: What you should know

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease known to commonly affect different parts of the skin. It is characterized by the appearance of red, scaly and itchy patches on the skin, at the elbows, knees, and scalp.The patches tend to vary in severity, in the sense they could be small and focused on a particular area or they could completely cover the body.Psoriasis not only affects a person’s physical appearance but also takes a toll on them mentally and psychologically owing to their looks.

Got Dandruff?

Got Dandruff?

Dandruff is one of those irritants that most of us encounter at some point in our lives. Finding little bits of dry, flaky skin that fall from the scalp onto your clothes or comb is a big turn off and still worse and embarrassing when someone else points it out to you. A common scalp conditionthat makes your scalp itch, dandruff is often harmless and more of an irritant that makes you uncomfortable, than a clinical problem to worry about.Dandruff isn't caused by how you treat your hair but isrelated to the skin cells on your scalp that grow and die away too fast.

Why is your hair falling?

Why is your hair falling?

Hair loss is a very common trouble that affects both men and women; our new and ‘not’ necessarily improved lifestyles are largely to blame for this. While genes definitely play an integral role in the growth, development, texture, color and fall of hair; there are also several other reasons including irregular eating habits, odd sleep patterns, lack of nutritious food that add to this pressing problem.

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