Breast Augmentation


Breast augmentation is on the rising trend as more and more women are desirous of attaining a flattering figure. It is cosmetic procedure that involves the insertion of breast implants or fat to enhance the fullness, shape and appearance of women’s breasts. Breast augmentation procedure is touted to achieve stunning results on its own, as well as when performed in conjunction with other cosmetic surgical procedures.

The Procedure

Usually incisions are strategically placed in the inconspicuous areas to minimize visible scarring. Your surgeon then separates the breast tissues and carefully creates a pocket ‘space within the breast tissues’ so that the implants can be inserted easily. The breast implants are inserted into the pockets created either beneath the pectoral muscle or in front of the pectoral muscle, immediately behind the breast tissue. The incisions are then closed with absorbable sutures.

The Symptoms

You may need a Breast augmentation if

  • Your breasts are too small in size
  • Your breasts are asymmetrical
  • You have drooping or sagging breasts after pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • One or both breasts failed to develop normally or have an unnatural, elongated shape

The Eligibility

You are eligible for a Breast augmentation if

  • Your breasts size and shape does not define normalcy
  • You possess excellent physical health and exceptional psychological stability
  • You are 18 years of age or above
  • You are not a pregnant or lactating mother
  • You are keen on improving your appearance but have reasonable expectations
  • You possess enough breast tissue to cover up the implants
  • Have realistic expectations about the outcome of the surgery

The Risks Involved

Changes in nipple or breast sensation, scarring, implant leakage or rupture, capsular contracture, bleeding, infection or fluid accumulation are the possible risks associated with this procedure.

The Impact

Breast augmentation results are immediately visible and your dream of having a more attractive and proportionate breasts is finally a reality. The results are also typically long-lasting.

Generally women want great looking breasts. Fuller and firmer breasts play a significant role in defining the attractiveness of women. Breast augmentation is a perfect way to enhance the contours of your bust, adding fullness and curves. Improve your confidence and self-image with a breast augmentation surgery today!

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